The region
Marie Pinel, Maryline Filippi, Frederic Wallet
Elise Durey
France Clusters
Fanny Bouchire
About the Living Lab
The Living Lab ‘Agroecological transition in Burgundy-Franche-Comté’ is embodied in the cluster AgronOv that belongs to the French network of clusters France Clusters. The main goal is to contribute to and support the digital agriculture and agroecological transition in the region in order to move towards a more sustainable agriculture.
The region is therefore particularly known for its traditional know-how and is particularly recognised for its agricultural and food-processing industry. Burgundy-Franche-Comté is the third largest agricultural region in France but only the 12th for the food production, which means that there is a loss of product processing. Moreover, the territory of Burgundy-Franche-Comté in France is characterised by a general ageing of the population and has suffered a strong loss of added value following deindustrialisation.
The Living Lab aims to support innovation in agriculture in order to move towards greater sustainability and meet farmers’ needs regarding products and services of solution providers. In addition, the Living Lab will address public institutions’ needs to improve the sustainability of agriculture in the region.
Living Lab coordinator: AgrOnov
Domain: Agriculture
Focal question
How can digital technology contribute to the emergence of innovations for the agroecological transition in agriculture?
- Build up a group of relevant stakeholders for future debate about the use of digital technologies to improve sustainability in farms;
- Identify needs, opportunities and challenges in the involvement of farmers and solution providers in the process of agroecological transition;
- Develop scenarios for addressing the challenges identified by involved stakeholders and possibilities to develop technologies that can improve the communication between actors to improve sustainability.
Main stakeholders
Local public authorities: Dijon Metropole, Burgundy-Franche-Comté regional council
Digital technology operators: Orange, Page Up, others under definition
Farmers (organisations): under definition
Stakeholder organisations: Agricultural chambers, Dijon Céréales Cooperative, others under definition
Key documents
Policy brief: Digital tools to help reduce agricultural inputs
National Policy Analysis: France
Practice Abstract: Innovations in favour of agro-ecological transition in agriculture