Digital ecosystems need an orchestrator for the ecosystem to integrate several players and parts of the ecosystem. Digital platforms, act as an orchestrator for this ecosystem. In recent years several projects are funded by the European Commission to address the topic of digital platforms for digital transformation in several domains. Despite of the significant progress and results of these projects, there is an important challenge that they face from a business perspective namely business model development. Development of a proper business model to accelerate the commercialization of the digital platform is challenging and not a straightforward journey for the projects.
This event is organised by OPEN DEI in collaboration with IoF2020 project and aims at sharing the knowledge and lessons learnt that IoF2020 project gained in terms of business support methodology and in particular business modelling. The insights and best practices that will be provided by IoF2020 during the event could be considered as a source of knowledge for other projects in Agrifood domain, specifically the ones that just began their journey, for their future activities.