Participatory Theory Building on the Conceptual and Analytical Framework


The meeting is organised within the Work Package 1 to support Living Labs in understanding the process of the Participatory Theory Building (PTB). This session is facilitated by EV ILVO partner aiming to: • Explain the PTB process and the link to the Conceptual and Analytical Framework, indicating [...]

Communication Session on Practice Abstracts and Rural Digitalisation Forum


The meeting is organised within Work Package 6 to support partners on their communication activities around Practice Abstracts and engaging in the Rural Digitalisation Forum. This session is facilitated by AEIDL with the colaboration of Consortium partners, aiming to: Explain the process of producing communication outputs from Practice [...]

DESIRA Steering Committee meeting


DESIRA Steering Committee is meeting online regularly to assess progress on the project, exchange with partners further updates relating to upcoming deliverables and work planned.

DESIRA training for Living Labs


Following up on the session of 17 June 2020, this second meeting and training aims to provide the Living Labs with hands-on practice on how to assess activities and methods that capture the impacts of digitalisation. Additionally, Living Labs will also be provided with a specific process to [...]

DESIRA Scenario Planning Training


This meeting will introduce Living Labs to the approach that will be implemented in the Scenario Planning workshops. It will include interactive group sessions to explore how each Living Lab can implement the approach in their own contexts. The meeting is part of the work being carried out [...]

Webinar – Smart Villages LEADER Network


This event organised by the Finnish Rural Network and the LEADER network in Finland, will address the topics of Smart Villages, digitalisation and Smart Agriculture, by showcasing examples from Finland, Scotland, Latvia and Greece.

First meeting of the Rural Digitalisation Forum


The Rural Digitalisation Forum (RDF) is a platform, set-up within the DESIRA project, bringing together a wide range of stakeholders working on digitalisation of rural areas. The RDF aims to be a space for sharing experiences, ideas and recommendations, and communicating them across Europe. In this first RDF [...]