Roundtable: The importance of policies for the digitalisation of rural areas


As part of the next DESIRA General Assembly, we are organising a round table on 'The importance of policies for the digitalisation of Rural Areas'. The policy session will take place on Wednesday, 26 January 2022, from 16:00h to 18:00h CET. At the event, we will have the [...]

SHERPA Annual Conference – Make it happen: Implementing the rural vision


The second SHERPA Annual Conference: Make it happen! Implementing the rural vision will take place online during the afternoon of 31 January 2022 and the morning of 1 February 2022. The conference is building on the last edition, which was dedicated to the preparation of the EU Long-Term Vision [...]

Quelle place pour le secteur agricole dans le Plan de Relance Européen?


La France doit désormais soumettre son Plan stratégique national (PSN) qui sera présenté à la Commission et fixera les priorités du gouvernement quant à la mise en œuvre du nouvel accord sur le territoire. L'élaboration du PSN est un réel enjeu pour la France car la nouvelle réforme [...]

Forestry Speed Dating – Software for planning forest management


Forestry Speed Dating puts innovators in contact with potential partners and end-users, to speed up innovation and create new partnerships. Through a series of speed dating workshops, and facilitation of meeting with innovators, you can find inspiration and explore new solutions towards a sustainable forest circular bioeconomy for [...]

Interreg Europe’s Policy learning week: SMEs competitiveness day


On 15 March, Interreg Europe is organising a dedicated SME competitiveness day, focusing on the European agri-food sector, as part of their Policy learning week.A dedicated session will discuss the digital transition, social entrepreneurship and circular economy.

Forum for the Future of Agriculture 2022

Brussels , Belgium

The Annual Conference of the Forum for the Future of Agriculture will be held on March 15, consisting of live broadcasts, moderated panel discussions and dialogues, interactive interventions, networking opportunities and exhibitions, all within an innovative virtual platform and live in Brussels. By registering now you can choose [...]

What will Europe’s digital economy look like after the Digital Services Act?

Brussels , Belgium

The Digital Services Act (DSA) is the most significant update of Europe’s digital rules in over two decades. The European Commission sees the DSA as being a core plank of making Europe fit for the Digital Age. This EURACTIV Debate will discuss the DSA and its impact on [...]

Girls Go AgriTech!

Olsztyn , Poland

On March 30, 2022, the Girls Go AgriTech! workshop will take place in Kuźnia Społeczna in Olsztyn, Poland, during which the organizers - EIT Food and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands - will show teenagers the possibilities of developing their professional path in the agri-food sector.

The Farmers’s Voice: Drivers and barriers to technology adoption


The Horizon 2020 project DEMETER, in association with SVG Ventures | THRIVE, is organizing an online event titled ‘The Farmer’s Voice: Discussing Drivers and Barriers to Technology Adoption’ on 31st March at 2-3.30PM (CET). The webinar will share results of the recent DEMETER survey which aimed to better [...]

IFSA 2022

Évora , Portugal

The 14th European Farming Systems Conference (IFSA – European Group) will be held in the University of Évora, Portugal, and hosted by the Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture,  Environment and Development (MED), from 10 – 14 April 2022. The main focus of this years’ Conference will be Farming Systems Facing Climate Change and [...]