The EU Rural Digitalisation Forum (RDF) is an open EU-wide community of stakeholders with a common interest to work, learn and share knowledge about the digitalisation of agriculture, forestry and rural areas. The RDF is put in practice around dedicated spaces for dialogue, exchanges, information sharing and knowledge creation.
RDF publications
Third meeting of the Rural Digitalisation Forum. Building a policy roadmap for rural digitalisation. Read report here.
Boosting Sustainable Digitalisation in agriculture, forestry and rural areas by 2040. Webinar highlights. Read report here.
Second meeting of the Rural Digitalisation Forum. Highlights from the RDF Scenario Planning Workshops. Read report here.
Contribution to the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas. Read reports here.

RDF Facebook community
This community on Facebook allows members to interact and share information about local experiences and initiatives, news, events, knowledge and papers/documents regarding digitalisation of rural areas.
RDF meetings
Three face-to-face meetings will be organised over the course of the project with limited number of key stakeholders contributing to specific DESIRA research outputs. Meetings will be limited to 30 to 40 participants.
See the results of the first meeting (10 September 2020).
See results of the second meeting (7 December 2021, 8 February 2022).
See results of the third meeting (15 November 2022).
Four RDF Working Groups
Four dedicated Working Groups (WGs) on Agriculture, Forestry, Rural Life and Policy are organised with reputed stakeholders such as academics, networks representatives, stakeholder groups, policy-makers, representatives from other H2020 projects, etc., willing to provide outstanding contributions to the research activities of the project and keen to develop common activities and outputs such as scientific articles, webinars, etc. Membership of the RDF WGs is invitation based with a maximum number of participants to ensure an active engagement and efficient contributions of the relevant stakeholders.
Read here the contribution to the debate on the ‘Long-term vision for rural areas’ from the experts of the WGs.
DESIRA Living Labs
DESIRA Living Labs are 20 networks of stakeholders established across Europe, set up around a digitalisation topic in the fields of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Life. Local stakeholders come together in these Living Labs to co-develop ideas, scenarios, digital storytelling outputs, and socio-technical solutions related to digitalisation. Interaction in the networks will include both face-to-face and online activities.