DESIRA (Digitisation: Economic and Social Impacts in Rural Areas) is a Horizon 2020 project (2019-2023) coordinated by the University of Pisa which involves 25 partner organisations (research institutes, NGOs and SMEs) in a multi-actor and inter-disciplinary Consortium.
To reap the benefits and reduce the risks associated with digitalisation, rural communities need to improve their capacity of understanding the impacts and changes in their context and to develop and plan appropriate actions in order to adapt. Sustainable digitalisation is key to minimise the costs and maximise the benefits of digital transformation, contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The analytical work is conceptualised on the basis of the interconnection between society, plant and/or animals (Social, beings), data (Cyber, software) and things (Physical, Hardware) within the rural systems or contexts.

The Socio-Cyber-Physical Systems might display different configurations in each rural area due to the interaction of three aspects: i) conditions for accessing technologies, ii) design of the digital solution, iii) complexity of the overall system. Understanding the socio-economic impacts, the different configurations and their interplay will help rural communities to design sustainable digitalisation pathways.