NEWS | Article published: Drivers, barriers and impacts of digitalisation in rural areas from the viewpoint of experts

Agricultural, forestry, and rural areas are undergoing a process of digital transformation. Digitalisation can have positive impacts on sustainability in terms of greater environmental control, and community prosperity. At the same time, it can also have disruptive effects, with the marginalisation of actors that cannot cope with the [...]

2022-02-01T11:00:42+01:00January 31st, 2022|

NEWS | European Commission launches the Start-up Village Forum to boost rural research and innovation

On 16 November 2021, the European Commission launched the Start-up Village Forum, an initiative to gather insights on challenges for and potential of rural start-up companies. As part of the EU’s Long-Term Vision for the Rural Areas and the Commission Action Plan for Rural Areas, this forum intends [...]

2022-01-24T14:53:48+01:00January 20th, 2022|

NEWS | The Rural Pact, a new initiative of the European Commission

The 20th of December 2021 was a key day for rural development. The European Commission launched the Rural Pact, an initiative announced in the Long-Term Vision for the Rural Areas. This new pact aims to mobilise public authorities and stakeholders to act on the needs and aspirations of [...]

2022-01-24T14:48:03+01:00January 17th, 2022|

ARTICLE | Rural Digitalisation Forum meets to launch the DESIRA EU-level foresight

The EU Rural Digitalisation Forum (RDF), set-up by the DESIRA (Digitisation: Economic and Social Impacts in Rural Areas) project, held the first part of the second meeting online on 7 December 2021.

2022-04-28T17:49:57+02:00January 5th, 2022|

NEWS | Building future scenarios for forest fires in Andalusia

The Living Lab coordinated by University of Córdoba is working on the topic of forest fires in Andalusia. This is an increasingly recurrent phenomenon with an everchanging and more unpredictable behaviour. Few months ago, the fire initiated in Sierra Bermeja (Málaga) was “unusual in our country” -as stated [...]

2022-07-01T16:24:10+02:00January 4th, 2022|

NEWS | Needs, expectations and impacts of digitalisation in EU agriculture, forestry and rural areas

DESIRA has carried out a synthesis report on the Needs, Expectations and Impact (NEI) of digitalisation on agriculture, rural areas, and forestry. This synthesis report includes a comparative analysis of socio-economic impacts of digitalisation using the basis of the 21 NEI regional reports elaborated by each Living Lab [...]

2022-07-01T16:24:11+02:00December 22nd, 2021|

NEWS | Croatian Living Lab holds their Scenario Planning workshop

The Croatian Living Lab, coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate for Professional Support to Agricultural Development organised their Scenario Planning workshop on September 24 in Poreč.

2022-07-01T16:24:11+02:00November 12th, 2021|

NEWS | Digital Futures in Coigach, Scotland: Scenario Planning workshops

On 7 October 2021, the Scottish DESIRA Living Lab met with ten residents of Coigach in their village hall along with virtual representatives from the Scottish Government participating online.

2022-07-01T16:24:11+02:00October 14th, 2021|

NEWS | Presenting Rural Digital Europe

The Rural Digital Europe community is the DESIRA OpenAIRE Dashboard. It brings together publications and research outcomes related to digitalisation and its socio-economic impact in rural areas, agriculture and forestry. The dashboard acts as a single point of access for the research community, scientists and other relevant stakeholders, [...]

2021-09-28T14:19:51+02:00September 30th, 2021|