Smart Agrifood Summit 2022

Malaga , Spain

Startup Europe’s Smart Agrifood Summit, an industry-leading event for the creation of innovative ecosystems within the European agri-food sector. Agrifood is an International reference event in the sector and is a face-to-face and virtual meeting point where you can find partners, increase financing and internationalisation channels as well [...]

European Week of Regions and Cities 2022

Brussels , Belgium

The European Week of Regions and Cities is the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy. It has grown to become a unique communication and networking platform, bringing together regions and cities from all over Europe, including politicians, administrators, experts and academics. Over the last 19 years, it [...]

Organic Innovation Days 2022

Brussels , Belgium

As the only EU event on organic and agroecological research and innovation, the Organic Innovation Days provide a unique opportunity to meet members of TP Organics, network with EU stakeholders and decision-makers.

Smart Rural 21 Final Conference

Sopot-Gdansk , Poland

The conference will present the final outcomes of the Smart Rural 21 project that is the result of intensive collaboration with rural communities and other relevant stakeholders across Europe to realise Smart Villages on the ground over more than two years.

HACK Startup Village 2022


Individuals of various experience and different fields of interest, as well as teams and startups created for the hackathon, are invited to participate in the HACK Startup Village’22. When registration ends, individual participants will be grouped into teams. During the hackathon, the participants, with the help of mentors, [...]

Mindtrek 2022 – International Technology Conference

Tampere , Finland

This year, the annual international technology conference events will take place in two different locations and venues in the city of Tampere, Finland. First, the Mindtrek Conference, which offers a horizontal view into the field of future technology, will take place on the 15th of November in Finnkino Cine [...]

European Forest Innovation Workshop

Brussels , Belgium

Started in 2014 as a joint initiative of European regions and forest sector organisations, the 5th edition of the European Forest Innovation Workshop devoted to Inform-Prioritise-Collaborate: Cooperation of Regions on Innovation in Forest Management, Use of Wood and Forest-related Services, will take place on 18 January 2023 (full-day [...]

SHERPA Annual Conference 2023: Co-creating rural futures

Montpellier , France

The 3rd SHERPA Annual Conference “Co-creating rural futures” will build on SHERPA’s contribution to the European Union Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas (LTVRA) and the work undertaken by the SHERPA partners during 2022. The conference will focus on the role of Multi-Actor Platforms (MAPs) and multi-stakeholder governance in delivering the [...]

The European Startup Village Forum

Brussels , Belgium

This 2023 edition of the Forum will discuss the main elements and enabling conditions of the Startup Village concept through a genuine science-for-policy interaction, supporting the identification and analysis of triggering factors for innovation and startup creation in rural areas. Participants are also expected to debate and propose concrete [...]

RURALIZATION Final Conference

Brussels , Belgium

RURALIZATION is organising the final conference of the project, which will be held on 20 April 2023 in Brussels. Hosted by the European Committee of the Regions, this onsite meeting with experts and stakeholders will provide a space for presenting the main outputs of the project, considering all [...]