F&A Next 2022: Investors meet Food and Agri Start-ups

Wageningen , Netherlands

F&A Next is an initiative by Rabobank, Wageningen University & Research, Anterra Capital and StartLife, collectively believing that innovation will be key to sustainably feeding future generations. Disruptive innovation in itself is not enough; it also needs to be implemented and transformed into tangible applications. Entrepreneurs are needed for their drive, [...]

The role of social enterprises in rural community development


KINESIS project (Knowledge alliance for social innovation in Shrinking villages) is organising webinars on depopulation and shrinkage on Wednesdays. This last session will discuss on the role of social enterprises in rural community development.

International Conference of European Society for Ecological Economics 2022

University of Pisa Via del Borghetto 80, Pisa, Italy

The 14th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics takes place exactly 50 years after the UN conference on the human environment, where the UN acknowledged the environmental crisis. Yet the current state of the environmental crisis seems to indicate that the needed actions and policies [...]

The Rural Pact conference

Brussels , Belgium

The Rural Pact conference will bring together EU, national, and regional politicians along with local authorities, social and economic stakeholders in a participatory event that reflects the rural vision’s ambition and bottom-up character. It will engage participants in designing the governance of the Rural Pact and gather commitments [...]

OECD Local Development Forum: Better strategies for stronger communities

Cork , Ireland

Beyond the shockwaves of COVID-19 and the humanitarian, social and economic pressures sparked by the large scale aggression in Ukraine, broader shifts such as the green transition, digitalisation and demographic change are fundamentally changing the communities where people live, work, create and consume. These changes bring both opportunities [...]

IOT Week 2022

Dublin , Ireland

At the edition of the IoT Week in Dublin 2022, we want to invite you to discover its impact on Artificial Intelligence, blockchain, quantum computing, AR/VR, Robotics, and new digital innovations. The future of IOT will undoubtedly create positive evolution to all sectors of activity, improving the way [...]

5th Symposium on Agri-Tech Economics for Sustainable Futures

Harper Adams University , United Kingdom

The dates for the 5th Symposium on Agri-Tech Economics for Sustainable Futures has been announced for the 19th & 20th September 2022. Abstract and Full Paper submissions will be open until the 1st July 2022. Following on from the excellent session at the 2021 symposium, we are also [...]

SmartAgriHubs Final Event

Lisbon , Portugal

The Horizon 2020 project SmartAgriHubs is coming to an end this year. Its Final Conference, which will take place on 26-26 September 2021, will be a great opportunity to celebrate its legacy and get to know other projects working on the digital transformation of the European Agrifood Sector.

13th OECD Rural Development Conference


The Government of Ireland is proud to host the 13th OECD Rural Development Conference 2022 on the theme of Building Sustainable, Resilient and Thriving Rural Places. As OECD Member States contend with multiple policy challenges, including emerging from COVID-19, Ireland welcomes the in-person participation of Ministers, senior policy [...]