Author: Miranda García (AEIDL)

Europe is undergoing a digital transformation playing a prominent role in the future of rural areas, as a mega trend already affecting agriculture, forestry and the life of rural communities. By 2030, all European citizens from urban and rural regions have to have access to gigabit connectivity and 5G services.

As part of the Rural Action plan, the set of actions to boost the sustainable digital transformation of rural areas includes closing the digital gap, encouraging the use of digital technologies, providing the digital skills needed to make the most out of them, and measuring progress. 

It is in the latter where there have already been more advances. The European Commission has recently published a new Digital Rural Index to monitor Europe’s overall digital performance and track the evolution of EU Member States in their digital competitiveness. 

This indicator is based on 3 sub-dimensions -use of the internet, human capital and connectivity- and it is key to assess the rural resilience of a country.