Author: Lucía Garrido (AEIDL)

CODECS (Maximising the CO-benefits of agricultural Digitalisation through conducive digital ECoSystems) is a brand-new Horizon Europe project, coordinated by Gianluca Brunori (University of Pisa), who also coordinates DESIRA. The project, which just started on 1 October 2022, celebrated its kick-off meeting on 4-5 October 2022, gathering 33 partners from all over Europe.

The overarching ambition of CODECS is to improve the motivation and the capacity of European farmers to understand and adopt digitalisation as an enabler of sustainable and transformative change. The project aims at improving the collective capacity to understand, assess and foresee the full range of benefits and costs of farm digitalisation, and to build digital ecosystems that maximise the net benefits of digitalisation.

CODECS will:

  • produce and provide information on the costs and benefits of digital technologies – assessed at different scales and in real life – to farmers, advisors, and policy-makers,
  • study and create the conditions for increasing capacities of farmers and rural communities to use them, and
  • (iii) build policy recommendations to foster the agricultural digital technologies conducive to sustainable development.

The project, which will run for the next four years, will capitalise on the results of DESIRA. It will rely on 20 Living Labs spread across Europe. A EU-wide Knowledge Accelerator will be established, formed by a Science-Policy interface, an AKIS network, and a Demo-Farm network.

More information about the project will follow soon!