Author: Lucía Garrido (AEIDL)

Do you already know DESIRA’s online base of digital-game changers? Gnomee offers an inventory of digital tools reshaping European rural areas, agriculture and forestry.

The knowledge base currently includes 635 digital tools that can act as potential Digital Game-Changers. You can browse through the different categories of Gnomee, such as domains or application scenarios, digital technologies that each tool uses, geographical distribution, or how these tools interact with humans.

Gnomee allows full-text search, filtering systems, as well as visualisation tools to see, at a glance, how the tools included in the inventory are classified.

At the moment, the majority of digital tools were gathered by DESIRA as part of our Taxonomy and Inventory of Digital Game-Changers. However, any user can now propose new Digital Tools that have the potential of becoming game-changers!

The knowledge base has been designed as part of DESIRA WP5 – Knowledge Infrastructure. This WP has also developed the DESIRA OpenAIRE Dashboard, Rural Digital Europe, that brings together publications and research outcomes related to digitalisation and its socio-economic impact in rural areas, agriculture and forestry. In addition, new tools are being developed and will be released shortly. Stay up to day and visit regularly our Tools section!

Browse through Gnomee!