Author: Miranda García (AEIDL)

The year 2022 ended with the best news for digital transformation: the European Commission, European Parliament, and the European Council signed, on 15 December 2022, the European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles, as proposed by the Commission in January 2022 and in support of the Digital Compass 2030 objectives.

In particular, the Declaration presents the EU’s commitment to a secure, safe and sustainable digital transformation that put people at the centre, in line with the core values and fundamental rights of the European Union. It will also guide policymakers and companies dealing with new technologies and intend to steer the EU’s approach to digital transformation globally.

Specifically, the Declaration is built upon the following digital rights and principles:

  • People and their rights are at the centre of the digital transformation.
  • Solidarity and inclusion through connectivity, digital education, training and skills are supported.
  • Freedom of choice online is ensured.
  • Participation in the digital public space is fostered.
  • Safety, security and empowerment in the digital environment are increased.
  • Sustainability of the digital future is promoted.

These rights and principles should accompany people in the EU every day. For this reason, the declaration covers a range of ways in which these values will be implemented, from affordable and high-speed digital connectivity to well-equipped classrooms, easily accessible information, and the control of personal data.

In terms of the next steps, the Commission will develop key performance indicators (KPIs) for the digital targets that will be used to monitor progress towards individual targets, within the framework of the annual Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI). The European institution will report the progress done through the annual report on the State of the Digital Decade. On their behalf, Member States will submit in October 2023 their first national strategic roadmap. This document wills describe the policies, measures and actions that they plan to make, at the national level, to reach the programme’s objectives and targets.