On 18 December 2019, our DESIRA partners, Leanne Townsend and Claire Hardy from the SEGS group at James Hutton Institute, visited the Coigach and Assynt Living Landscape Partnership (CALLP) situated in Wester Ross and Sutherland on the West Coast of Scotland, UK.
The visit was planned to discuss the DESIRA project with the managers of CALLP and develop ideas for the Living Lab. Leanne and Claire visited two crofts, one of which is being developed as a “demo croft”. Croft or crofting is a unique social system in Scotland, which has played a crucial role in shaping the landscape, natural environment, cultural heritage and social economy of the counties.
The field trip included a visit to the Christmas Craft Market organised in the local village hall, many of the stalls being run by crofters within the local community.
Photo © DESIRA, 2019