DESIRA is carrying out a synthesis report on Needs, Expectations and Impact (NEI) of digitalisation on agriculture, rural areas, and forestry.
This synthesis report includes a comparative analysis of socio-economic impacts of digitalisation using the basis of the 21 NEI regional reports elaborated by each project Living Lab (LL), with a multilevel participatory appraisal. In each of the 21 Living Labs s econdary data collection, 5 to 10 interviews to key informants, and one face-to-face Living Lab workshop have taken place.
The survey and interviews carried with the different stakeholders involved in the LLs show that there is a clear urban-rural divide in terms of digitalisation, especially in relation to access to digital public services, participation of women in digital contexts, and digital skills to use technologies.
Regarding the main obstacles to digitalisation, the costs of implementation, the lack of ICT skills among the staff, and the low levels of digital connectivity and digital infrastructure were highlighted.

Digitalisation has an impact on stakeholders in enabling them to access to new tools, technical means, and equipment that improve their working conditions. However, some other aspects have worsened, or show no impact, as employment, or compliance with safety and health standards.
The Needs, Expectations and Impact (NEI) synthesis report is expected to be published at the end of September 2021.In the meantime, you can watch the presentation of the NEI report at the webinar of the RDF, or read the highlights of the event!